Thursday 24 January 2008

a bit of new life for my blog

It seems like my blog has become like that proverbial telescope or remote control airplane that you got for Christmas when you were ten. So desireable when you opened it with dreams of becoming a great astronomer gazing at the stars on cool summer nights or impressing your friends with the coolness of flying a wee plane... By the time summer arrives with its biting insects and mini-aircraft-destroying winds, it seems that those ideals seem to find their way to basements and storage closets. I mean, who really becomes an astronomer or a pilot anyway? No one I have ever heard of, umm, wait... Well not too many people.

Now I have a reason to blog, at least for a short while.

Sandra, One of my colleagues here at Duncan of Jordanstone suggested to me a while back that I should start a blog on food related issues. I immediately thought about this blog, which has been languishing. So here we go.

I am going to start off this year's posts with my handwritten (yes, it is still done) and transcribed travel journal from my study trip to Cuba. I am going to backdate them from the actual day I wrote it and tag them with Cuba for SEDA members that might be visiting the site. Pictures to follow.

Cheers for now.


Anonymous said...


Becky said...

Looking forward to reading about the Cuban research finds.

Becky said...

Hey Steve, ignore this comment if you like. I was tagged on my blog, I don't know many bloggers to tag, so I've tagged you, even though your blog is mostly research oriented. Go there to check it out.

Anonymous said...

Oh good! I am excited to hear about your travels. I really enjoyed your metaphor. My blog went a bit that way as well. I am going to try to bring it back. You should look at my latest post. It's Cali walking!