Tuesday 22 September 2009

finally it is done

Alright, I've done it. The transcription of my hand-written travel journal from Cuba is complete. I know it seems a bit late and a bit pointless by now, but I know there are some people out there who are interested and were given a link to this blog from SEDA.

If you are keen on looking at them, just do a search on here for Cuba, as all of entries are back dated and will appear in 2008, which is when I was there.

In other Cuba-related news, I just found out that Radio Enciclopeia has a website:


I'd suggest listening for it just to hear the woman say: Raaaadio Enciiilopeeedi-ahh, Habanaa, Coooba. Just imagine that over some 1970s sounding tropical-ish jingle. Then straight back in to what I'd call Cuban communist elevator music.

It might not be the same not coming out of a 1950s vintage wood floor-model radio/phonograph.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize that there was more to the Cuba trip. I will look forward to reading it.